Art for Peace Logo
Age Group Logo

A new better world

Art for Peace picture
Artist: Kheitnoy C.
Location: Vientiane, Laos
Age: 16
"Nuclear had been used to destroy the places many years ago. It killed people. On the other hand air pollution is because of the fumes from nuclear explosions, it has become a major problem in many countries around the world. One of the main causes that make the world being ‘Greenhouse Effect’ might be from nuclear. People died at a high rate, they lost their relatives everyday. Nobody can live their life happily, hopeless and depressed. Picture 1 (on your left hand side) is shows you how the nuclear explosions destroyed our world and the bad result. The picture 2 (on you right hand side) is shows you how peaceful and lively the world is without nuclear explosions. No war, no fight, no weapons, no arguments. The world is more beautiful than the world in picture 1. Every family is happy and no need to worry about the nuclear any more. Many people all around the world can smile and live hopefully in the peace world.
Can you imagine the peace lovely world, how good it is???"

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