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A free man

Art for Peace picture
Artist: James C.
Location: Accra, Ghana
Age: 16
"This picture is a sketch of a man holding up a banner, he looks down on a shattered world, he knows the toll that the wars of the past have had on not only his but the homes of millions of people throughout the past. He knows what pain feels like and he isn't unfamiliar with the cries of his people, but he isn't broken either. the banner he holds shows his hope for a better world, it shows that there is hope no matter how dark the past may have been. this hope is because the leaders of the world have put away their weapons of mass destruction, and now he can look away from the destruction below him, he can look towards a bright future for him and his children and their children after them, he smiles because he is free.

this picture was created using h2, h, hb, 2b and 4b pencil.
thank you"

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