Art for Peace Logo
Age Group Logo

One World, One Dream

Art for Peace picture
Artist: Alicia L.
Location: Los Altos, United States of America
Age: 13
"As one united world, we have one ultimate dream- to live in a safe, peaceful world with our beloved family and friends- that we can and will one day achieve. The first step to this dream is to be aware of the danger of nuclear weapons and act upon this newly learned knowledge. Nuclear weapons are lethal, not having mercy on anyone. No one should be in possession of these destructive weapons. In my depiction to the left, a dove that represents the entire world working together is shown, protecting an improved, peaceful world from the looming nuclear weapons behind. Mother Nature is depicted in the center, spreading her calming, helpful arms upon the people of the entire world. As one united world, we can all work together to put a stop to nuclear weapons. Nothing is perfect, but we can work harder towards a better, safer world where everyone can work towards one goal and one dream."

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