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Age Group Logo

You choose your path, you choose your destiny....

Art for Peace picture
Artist: Athira A.
Location: Sharjah , UAE
Age: 13
"Here, two paths are leading to two different ways. The left-hand side -> the world is being destroyed by continuous bombing. God's creation is being killed. The bombs blast . Whereas on the right-hand side, there is peace and harmony on this Earth. The trees and animals are very happy to be safe and sound. The person at the top stands between and thinks which path to choose, looking at the consequences. He finds that if he chooses the path to the nuclear world, he would be trying his best to survive - he would be injured till his death by the daring bombs and nuclear missiles. While on the other side, he finds that he would be very happy, leading a peaceful life along with nature. This signifies the title - You choose your path, you choose your destiny or your future. Would you like your future to be in the hands of the nuclear world or in the hands of our lovely Mother Earth? Think for a while and choose the right one..."

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