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A World With Unity And Love, A World Without Nuclear Weapons

Art for Peace picture
Artist: Jamille Bianca A.
Location: Manila, Philippines
Age: 17
"My drawing shows that the world must become united to prohibit the use of nuclear weapons as a means to protect the youth and innocent lives. The boy and girl at the side of the drawing represents the unity of the world to stop these dangerous weapons of destruction and to protect the lives of the people and to give them an opportunity to have a good life in this world. In the middle it also shows that people everywhere around the globe are trying their best to show others that people can live in peace with one another and that they try to draw their ideal world and what they want to see if there is no conflict and pain that exists. The world needs unity, peace, love, cooperation, and understanding for its people in order for all of us to be able to live our lives to the fullest and that is would be filled with joy and happiness with the company of having one another."

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