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The world will be changed by us, within few years

Art for Peace picture
Age: 9
"The earth without any nuclear weapon means, zero spending for it’s further research, testing, making etc., means very less expenditure on defense and increase budget in education, agriculture, nature etc. for any nation. Then all will get time to focus on positive work like finding medicine for cancer, saving nature and reaching to other planets etc, share of knowledge and help each other, because there will be no under ground tension.

The standard of life will improve. Where no shortage of food or employment. So, no need to fight with other country or remaking of arms. The world will become one nation with one flag of peace and become a real Heaven to live in peace & harmony. All will enjoy their own work and play music, sports, games, cultural activity etc. in good health for 100 years.

In view of above advantages, we believe that, all nations will change their mind set and response in the appeal of the UN to make our earth a real Haven. That time is not very far."

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